The Book Launch Happens Today
Today’s the day. The day I never dared dream would happen.
I’m writing this a few days before the 31st and I still expect something to go wrong: either a major fire in the bookshop or even something more mundane such as extensive roadworks on the A22 (that’s a fairly safe bet) or a car breakdown on the drive over. But if the travel gods, whom I presume are represented by Hermes – the herald of the Gods are smiling then I should be okay. Hermes would be a good companion for a day like today as convention suggests his portfolio extends beyond mere travel to include good fortune, commerce, speed and thievery. I hope thievery doesn’t bother to get out of bed but an oversized dollop of good fortune on a quick plate of good fortune wouldn’t go a miss.
You see, as from 10am on Saturday morning I will be in and around The Bookshop in East Grinstead gently encouraging members of the public to look at and ideally to purchase my debut novel Dream House. Yes, we are finally live and launched. So rather than the pristine pavement you see on the lead photo, today you will find yours truly parked in the middle with a box of books and a pen. Signed copies will abound, although if you twist my arm far enough, I might let you escape with a clean copy – much easier to wrap up for Auntie’s Christmas present if there is no pesky dedication written across the inside cover.
Don’t just come down to The Bookshop for my book; the store is an Aladdin’s cave of wonderfully unusual books. It is the quintessential English book shop – full to the rafters of delightful books, both new and second hand and staffed by people who have chosen a business we are all passionate about. It sits in the centre of town at number 22 High Street, a few steps along from St Swithun’s and it sells coffee and cakes, so there’s no need to visit one of those international chains offering their bland beverages.
There is ample short-term parking around the town so come down and see us on Saturday July 31st. Who knows how far this journey will run, best to hop aboard at the start.
Today’s musical accompaniment is Oasis second album Morning Glory from 1995 and in particular the track Some Might Say. I would say this is The Gallagher Boys finest hour and hopefully it’s a precedent to glorious morning and afternoon in East Grinstead High Street for me – I hope to see you there.